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The Benefits of Combining PRP with Microneedling

The Benefits of Combining PRP with Microneedling

If you’re looking to reduce facial scars, wrinkles or other unsightly signs of aging, microneedling combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) provides a simple solution. Andrea C. Beavers, PA-C at Star Treatment Healthcare Services and Med Spa in Dallas, Texas, offers this simple, age-defying combo to increase collagen production and improve your appearance without any downtime.

How microneedling with PRP works

Mrs. Beavers rolls a microneedling wand containing fine needles across your skin to stimulate collagen production. Collagen enhances its elasticity. As we age, our body produces less of this age-defying protein found in our skin. Microneedling encourages cells to expand this crucial element to create a more youthful appearance.

A powerful duo

PRP improves blood clotting to speed healing. Combining microneedling with PRP proves more beneficial than microneedling alone. Mrs. Beavers utilizes this rejuvenating combo to improve:

PRP shortens the amount of time it takes our bodies to forge healthy new cells for an even more beneficial experience.

Simple steps to super-looking skin

The procedure only takes about a half-hour. Relax as we first:

  1. Sample your blood
  2. Prepare the PRP
  3. Clean your skin
  4. Apply numbing cream to lessen any discomfort

During the procedure itself, Mrs. Beavers rolls the microneedling instrument across your skin’s surface. PRP, composed of proteins and growth factors, helps heal the tiny nicks. Afterward, we apply a beneficial serum to reduce redness or swelling. And voilà! You’re ready to go.

When will you notice a difference?

You may see positive changes in your skin within days or weeks, depending upon your specific situation. We generally recommend at least three sessions for the best results.

Microneedling versus laser treatments

While laser treatments may improve skin issues, such as scarring, they usually require more downtime than microneedling. Laser skin resurfacing can also cause discoloration, depending upon your original skin tone. This is not a factor with microneedling. You must, however, wait until any bacterial conditions, such as eczema or acne, clear before proceeding. Other contraindications for microneedling include:

Mrs. Beavers reviews all the pros and cons of microneedling prior to your procedure.

Enjoy healthier skin naturally

We also suggest natural ways to keep your skin healthy:

  1. Utilize products containing antioxidants, such as Coenzyme Q10, to boost collagen
  2. Apply eye crème with green tea and caffeine to reduce dark circles beneath your eyes
  3. Use skin crème with Vitamin E to reduce scars
  4. Consume plenty of foods with Vitamin C, such as citrus and bell peppers, to create collagen

You’re never too old for younger-looking skin and radiant health.

How to treat your skin before/after treatment

Mrs. Beavers recommends avoiding sun exposure for at least 24 hours preceding each session. You should also forego blood-thinning ingredients, and retinoid or acid-based skincare products that might increase dryness and irritation several days before and after treatment, such as:

She’ll discuss how best to moisturize and care for your skin.

Beauty that goes beyond skin deep

If you’re hoping to lessen the look of facial scars or slow down the aging process for more youthful, vibrant skin, microneedling with PRP may be the answer. Contact PRP Microneedling Specialist Andrea C. Beavers, PA-C and our knowledgeable team at Star Treatment Healthcare Services and Med Spa to schedule an appointment and inquire about this stimulating treatment today.

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